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Sunday, October 04, 2009  

If it's true, well, it's true

I can't say that I'm much of a fan of Gore Vidal, but still I admire his boldness. Like Quentin Crisp before him, he gets away with the most outrageous stuff. It's usually right-on-target stuff, but outrageous nonetheless.

Vidal is 83 and travels in a wheel-chair, but he has his wits, and wit, about him. Witness his September 30 interview in the UK's Times. A couple of my favorite quotes:

America should leave Afghanistan, he says. "We've failed in every other aspect of our effort of conquering the Middle East or whatever you want to call it." The "War on Terror" was "made up," Vidal says. "The whole thing was PR, just like 'weapons of mass destruction'. It has wrecked the airline business, which my father founded in the 1930s. He'd be cutting his wrists. Now when you fly you're both scared to death and bored to death, a most disagreeable combination."


Today religious mania has infected the political bloodstream and America has become corrosively isolationist, he says. "Ask an American what they know about Sweden and they'd say 'They live well but they're all alcoholics'. In fact a Scandinavian system could have benefited us many times over." Instead, America has "no intellectual class" and is "rotting away at a funereal pace. We'll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else can hold everything together. Obama would have been better off focusing on educating the American people. His problem is being over-educated. He doesn't realise how dim-witted and ignorant his audience is. Benjamin Franklin said that the system would fail because of the corruption of the people and that happened under Bush."

Well, those ignorant Americans are being fed another media dose of WMD. This time the deception is Iran.

posted by Merle Harton Jr. | 11:15 PM |
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